Monday, April 22, 2019

back to health

I was so happy to start this again.  I have been struggling with other health issues lately and thought this was going to have to be sacrificed.  Talking with her again reminded me of the joy I had in doing it before. I surprised myself with my accomplishments.  I am looking forward to feeling stronger and feeling better emotionally. I know this physical piece of me directly relates to the emotional part of me.  Health is important to me as I watch my aging parents and the effects time has on a body- especially my mother and her weaker bones. I have had to adjust my old cardio- I can no longer run hard on a treadmill.  My neck cannot take that stress and I trip a lot. I have learned I can do stair steppers and elliptical machines with a decent heart rate. I want to try the bicycle and row machines, also.

I am not as good about my food intake/log as I had hoped to be.  I used to be very strict with myself on nutrition. I remember now it took me a while before to get to that level and I expected to just jump back into it.  I am trying to hold the bar high for myself without driving myself crazy about it. My mindset is different now and my motivation is different- it doesn’t come from such an angry place.  This nicer version of me lets me cheat more. :/

Image result for health and fitness

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